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It is possible that the spell-checker on this website has caused a misspelling in the title of this post. The correct spelling is "como activar". The following post was not written by FluentU, and we have no control over it. The following article has been uploaded without FluentU's knowledge or consent. It may contain content that does not belong to FluentU or its affiliates, so if you see something within these pages that belongs to you and you want it removed, please contact us and we will take care of it as soon as possible. The information contained in the following article may be outdated or inaccurate. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact FluentU's team at © 2016 FluentU, Inc.Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain how to implement a gravity-fed drip irrigation system in a greenhouse setting from start to finish with pictures included. This is not an in-depth technical discussion, but rather a how-to-guide to get you started on your own drip irrigation venture. It is intended for the beginner who has never built a drip system or knows little about drip systems. This document will cover basic to more advanced topics including discussing drip tubing, types of tubing, polyethylene plumbing fittings (PL), components (also called parts), and other equipment used to install the irrigation system. Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain how to implement a gravity-fed drip irrigation system in a greenhouse setting from start to finish with pictures included. This is not an in-depth technical discussion, but rather a how-to-guide to get you started on your own drip irrigation venture. It is intended for the beginner who has never built a drip system or knows little about drip systems. This document will cover basic to more advanced topics including discussing drip tubing, types of tubing, polyethylene plumbing fittings (PL), components (also called parts), and other equipment used to install the irrigation system. This article was not written by FluentU, and we have no control over it. The following post was not written by FluentU, and we have no control over it. The information contained in the following article may be outdated or inaccurate. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact FluentU's team at © 2016 FluentU, Inc.Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain how to implement a gravity-fed drip irrigation system in a greenhouse setting from start to finish with pictures included. This is not an in-depth technical discussion, but rather a how to get you started on your own drip irrigation venture. It is intended for the beginner who has never built a drip system or knows little about drip systems. This document will cover basic to more advanced topics including discussing drip tubing, types of tubing, polyethylene plumbing fittings (PL), components (also called parts), and other equipment used to install the irrigation system. cfa1e77820